Judy Wallace

Administrative Assistant


Joined Mott in 2001

Headshot of Judy Wallace


Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
Mott Foundation Building
503 S. Saginaw St., Suite 1200
Flint, Mich. 48502-1851


Judy Wallace is an administrative assistant in the Foundation’s Environment program. She supports program officers working on issues related to transforming development finance and advancing climate change solutions. Hailing from Michigan, Judy’s upbringing was characterized by the nomadic lifestyle of a “military brat,” traveling the globe with her family. Following high school, she answered the call to serve and enlisted in the United States Air Force, which extended her journey across various locales before returning to her roots in Michigan. Judy earned a bachelor’s degree in interdisciplinary studies from the University of Michigan-Flint. She finds working on the Environment program’s international grantmaking especially rewarding as it gives her the opportunity to interact with people and organizations doing amazing work all around the world.