Headquarters: Flint, Michigan USA
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
503 S. Saginaw St., Suite 1200
Flint, Michigan 48502-1851
PHONE +1-810-238-5651
FAX +1-810-258-8614
Troy, Michigan USA
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
Columbia Center
201 W. Big Beaver Rd., Suite 900
Troy, Michigan 48084
PHONE +1-248-519-2011
FAX +1-248-519-2030
London, England
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
Gable House
18-24 Turnham Green Terrace
London W4 1QP
United Kingdom
Johannesburg, South Africa
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
EISA Building, Ground Floor
14 Park Rd., Richmond
Johannesburg, 2092 South Africa
PHONE +27-11-726-1552
FAX +27-11-726-1587
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