Budgets FAQs

Does the Mott Foundation prefer a specific budget format?

Yes. Budget line items must be presented by object classification (i.e., salaries, consultants, rent / occupancy, travel, printing, etc.) rather than functional classification (i.e., program services and supporting activities or Phase I, Phase II, etc.). The grantee must disclose the estimated number of full-time equivalents included in the amounts budgeted for salaries. A list of all funding sources for the project during the grant period is also required. As a general rule, grant periods and organizational budgets for general purposes support should follow the grantee’s fiscal year.

Does the Mott Foundation accept budget modifications after the start of a project?

Yes. Budget modifications for substantial or major changes are acceptable with the prior written approval of the Foundation.

Are in-kind contributions allowable as a budgeted line item?

No. In-kind contributions should be excluded from the budget. However, in-kind contributions should be disclosed in a narrative attachment to the budget.

Will a project budget that exceeds 50% of the organization’s total institutional budget be accepted?

Approval of a project budget that exceeds 50% of the organization’s total institutional budget will be handled on a case-by-case basis. However, program staff may discuss with the grantee whether the Foundation should be making a general purposes rather than a project support grant.