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General Purposes

Black Sash Trust

  • Program Civil Society
  • Program Area Increasing Access to Justice
  • Grant Amount $150,000
  • Grant Period January 1, 2006–December 31, 2007
  • Location Cape Town, South Africa
  • Geographic Focus South Africa

About this grant

The Black Sash Trust is dedicated to the promotion and defense of human rights. During the past decade, the trust has provided free paralegal services to poor and marginalized communities in various provinces across South Africa.This grant will enable the trust to continue providing services to communities to ensure that they are able to access and exercise their rights. It also will continue to monitor government policies on social assistance and advocate for policy reform.During the past two years, the trust has assisted approximately 15,000 clients per year through its seven advice offices and about 5,000 through outreach work in other areas; strengthened the capacity of paralegal caseworkers through training, workshops and mentoring programs; educated the public about their rights through electronic and print media and workshops for community organizations; and participated in the activities of the Basic Income Grant coalition, an initiative aimed at promoting the development of a comprehensive social security system.