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Dialog Program

Community Foundation Sibiu

  • Program Civil Society
  • Program Area Enhancing Community Philanthropy
  • Grant Amount $100,000
  • Grant Period January 1, 2007–December 31, 2008
  • Location Sibiu, Romania
  • Geographic Focus Romania

About this grant

The project goal is to strengthen citizens’ participation and improve the dialogue and interaction between citizens and authorities at the community level in Romania. The Community Foundation Sibiu will strengthen and coordinate an informal network of four resource centers, which will provide information, training, and advice to community groups and individual citizens on different areas, including citizens’ rights and responsibilities, communication strategies, and coalition building. The network engages citizens in the development of their communities through a program known as "Dialog." Since its beginning in 1993, the Dialog Program has facilitated communications and partnerships between citizens, nongovernmental organizations, local government, and businesses driven by common goals related to community development, environmental concerns, and other community problems and needs.