- Program Civil Society
- Program Area Special Initiatives
- Grant Amount $12,000
- Grant Period January 1, 2004–December 31, 2006
- Location Kyiv, Ukraine
- Geographic Focus Ukraine
About this grant
The Committee of Voters of Ukraine (CVU) was created in 1994 to encourage Ukrainians to participate in the political process. CVU monitors elections; promotes accountability among elected officials; advocates for improvements in electoral processes; manages a network of citizen advice bureaus; disseminates research and analysis through its Web site; and promotes community self-government organizations.Multiyear funding will enable CVU to recruit and train thousands of volunteers for election monitoring and other election-related activities; monitor elections; promote local democracy development; conduct a nationwide voter education campaign; counsel citizens through citizen advice bureaus; develop a legal counseling service; and implement exchange programs related to voter education and election monitoring with non-governmental organizations in Belarus, the Czech Republic and Poland. Funding includes a grant increase to support independent external audits of the committee’s headquarters and regional branch offices in advance of presidential elections.Activities during the past two years included training more than 24,000 volunteers as election observers; serving as international election observers in 15 countries; increasing public awareness of citizens’ constitutional rights; conducting nationwide programs to monitor the transparency of state/regional governmental agencies and officials; and developing 239 self-governing organizations.