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Community Foundation Development in Russia

Charities Aid Foundation

  • Program Civil Society
  • Program Area Enhancing Community Philanthropy
  • Grant Amount $402,000
  • Grant Period January 1, 2005–December 31, 2006
  • Location London, United Kingdom
  • Geographic Focus Russia, Russia

About this grant

Through this grant, Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) will continue providing technical assistance and networking opportunities to existing and emerging community foundations in Russia through its Russian office (CAF Russia), which has supported the development of such institutions there since 1994.Multiyear funding will enable CAF Russia to provide institutional development support to Russian community foundations through challenge grants; strengthen the environment for further community foundation development; and encourage national corporations to participate in the development of community foundations. Funding includes a grant increase that supported efforts to improve the knowledge base of Russian community foundations and other philanthropic entities in order to create more private and family foundations; increase middle-class giving by developing client-giving programs directed toward customers in the service and trade sectors; and encourage giving by bequests.Recent accomplishments in Russia included providing consulting, training, information exchange and campaign organizing to community foundations; helping to launch an association of community foundations; developing a Web site dedicated to community foundation development issues; and creating a challenge grants program.