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Programs to Reform Global Economic Institutions

Center for International Environmental Law

  • Program Environment
  • Program Area Reform of International Finance and Trade
  • Grant Amount $400,000
  • Grant Period July 1, 2005–June 30, 2007
  • Location Washington, DC, United States
  • Geographic Focus World

About this grant

This grant will enable the Center for International Environmental Law to continue efforts to reform global economic institutions. The center was established to strengthen international environmental law, policy and management. It provides analysis of proposed trade rules and agreements to non-governmental organizations (NGOs), trade negotiators and government officials, addressing a range of trade-related issues with potential environmental impacts.Multiyear funding will support activities that include promoting reforms that foster environmentally sustainable development; strengthening environment and development institutions in environment and trade policymaking; working to ensure that environmental organizations, policymakers and experts have a stronger voice in the development of trade policy; enhancing the ability of civil society and developing-country governments to develop international trade and investment policies that promote sustainable development; and creating, using and strengthening international financial institution accountability mechanisms.Recent accomplishments included coordinating NGO debates on investment at the Eighth Free Trade Area of the Americas ministerial; providing legal support to NGOs in countries negotiating free trade agreements with the U.S.; training negotiators and NGOs on trade and investment; providing critical analysis of accountability shortcomings; and promoting greater access to information, environmental standards and accountability at export credit agencies.