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Youth Serving Their Local Communities

Young Men's Christian Association - Gabrovo

  • Program Civil Society
  • Program Area Special Initiatives
  • Grant Amount $50,000
  • Grant Period October 1, 2004–September 30, 2006
  • Location Gabrovo, Bulgaria
  • Geographic Focus Bulgaria

About this grant

This grant will enable the Young Men’s Christian Association – Gabrovo to encourage leadership and volunteerism among young people in Bulgaria through their participation in community development and decisionmaking.Multiyear funding will support activities that include building training and consultation capacity; identifying and working with 12 key youth non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and informal groups; strengthening the leadership capacities of key members of each selected youth organization; helping selected organizations implement pilot projects in their communities; and promoting good practices for engaging youth in community development and decisionmaking.Recent achievements included providing technical assistance to 15 youth groups and youth-led NGOs; training 100 young leaders and representatives from various NGOs in leadership development, team building, and project and volunteer management; supporting more than 40 youth initiatives and youth service events; and supplying practical, field-based input and expertise to groups related to policies in youth mobility, volunteering and participation.