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Sustaining the Great Lakes Project

National Wildlife Federation

  • Program Environment
  • Program Area Addressing the Freshwater Challenge
  • Grant Amount $50,000
  • Grant Period January 1, 2016–December 31, 2017
  • Location Reston, VA, United States
  • Geographic Focus Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin

About this grant

With increased Mott support, the National Wildlife Federation, a conservation group with a strong presence in the Great Lakes, will help its Healing Our Waters coalition take steps to broaden public support for Great Lakes policies. The federation will survey coalition members; interview other rural, urban, and tribal leaders; and conduct training sessions to address leadership gaps. The grantee will also develop a five-year action plan to expand coalition membership and improve the coalition’s effectiveness on Great Lakes restoration programs. This additional capacity will also help the regional coalition take on new issues, such as protecting drinking water sources and halting the spread of invasive species.