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International Society for Third-Sector Research

Johns Hopkins University

  • Program Civil Society
  • Program Area Strengthening Civic Space
  • Grant Amount $50,000
  • Grant Period January 1, 2005–December 31, 2006
  • Location Baltimore, MD, United States
  • Geographic Focus World

About this grant

This grant will enable the International Society for Third Sector Research, based at Johns Hopkins University, to continue its efforts to promote research and education in the fields of civil society, philanthropy and the nonprofit sector. Its mission is to encourage high-quality research and education internationally on nonprofit-sector related issues, theories and policies; and improve the dissemination and application of knowledge about the nonprofit sector worldwide.Multiyear funding will support activities that include expanding memberships; completing a strategic planning process; establishing a committee to oversee the process for a young scholars’ dissertation award and a mentoring system for young scholars; convening regional meetings; publishing the collected community foundation research papers presented in Berlin in 2004; and planning and convening the 7th biennial International Conference in Thailand for July 2006.During the past two years, accomplishments included increasing membership to 780; publishing "Voluntas," an interdisciplinary academic journal; co-convening a major symposium on community foundations in Berlin; organizing regional networks and conferences in Africa, Asia and Latin America; and planning and convening the 6th biennial International Conference in Toronto in 2004.