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General Purposes

International Center for Transitional Justice

  • Program Civil Society
  • Program Area Special Initiatives
  • Grant Amount $400,000
  • Grant Period July 1, 2004–June 30, 2006
  • Location New York, NY, United States
  • Geographic Focus World

About this grant

The International Center for Transitional Justice was established in 2001 to help emerging democratic countries address past human rights abuses. Operating in more than 29 countries, including the Balkans and South Africa, the center provides research, information, technical assistance, legal counsel and policy recommendations. The center addresses transitional justice issues by helping countries develop a balance between judicial and nonjudicial approaches.Multiyear funding will enable the center to provide assistance to more than 20 countries, including ongoing efforts in the Balkans and South Africa; expand its transitional justice fellowships to include a Spanish-language program, based in Chile; continue research on issues related to reparations, vetting, reintegration and prosecutions; provide further documentation and lessons learned to practitioners and the public about its transitional justice experiences; and establish new programs focusing on the Middle East and north Africa.