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Municipal Leadership for Disconnected Youth

National League of Cities Institute

  • Program Education
  • Program Area Graduating High School College & Career Ready
  • Grant Amount $300,000
  • Grant Period July 1, 2010–December 31, 2011
  • Location Washington, DC, United States
  • Geographic Focus Baltimore Independent City, Boston, Corpus Christi, Philadelphia, San Diego, San Francisco

About this grant

This grant will enable the National League of Cities Institute, a research, education, and training affiliate of the National League of Cities, to continue to increase the capacity of municipal leaders in forging cross-system collaborations that address the needs of disconnected youth. During the most recent phase of this effort, the grantee assisted a select group of cities in developing employment strategies for disconnected youth as a result of new opportunities via the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. In the next phase of this initiative, the grantee will launch a new technical assistance effort to assist a more experienced cohort of cities in an effort to develop promising practices for a larger network of cities and municipal leaders across the country interested in improving outcomes for disconnected youth.