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Sectoral Employment Impact Study: Random Assignment Evaluation

Public/Private Ventures

  • Program Education
  • Program Area Expanding Economic Opportunity
  • Grant Amount $730,812
  • Grant Period August 1, 2004–November 30, 2005
  • Location Philadelphia, PA, United States
  • Geographic Focus Boston, Milwaukee, New York

About this grant

Public/Private Ventures (P/PV) is conducting a random assignment evaluation and providing technical assistance to three sectoral training initiatives to document the ability of well-designed and well-implemented sectoral employment programs to produce significant increases in the employment, retention and earnings of low-income workers.Funding will enable P/PV to continue communication with the sites to ensure that research procedures are being implemented; work with the Institute for Survey Research to develop and test a follow-up survey; increase the length of the follow-up period during which it will track study participants’ outcomes; collect program updates; organize two all-site meetings; conduct two rounds of site visits to each of the three sites; and produce two reports.Achievements during the past year included completing 454 baseline interviews across the three sites; developing a monthly progress report on enrollment, program participation, graduation and placement; conducting site visits; and holding an all-site meeting in New York.