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General Purposes

Agency for Social Information

  • Program Civil Society
  • Program Area Strengthening Civic Space
  • Grant Amount $100,000
  • Grant Period August 1, 2005–July 31, 2008
  • Location Moscow, Russia
  • Geographic Focus Russia, Russia

About this grant

The Agency for Social Information (ASI) is the Russian nonprofit sector’s leading information provider. With 28 affiliates housed within regional non-governmental organizations (NGOs) throughout the country, ASI’s goal is to strengthen public participation in decisionmaking processes by improving the flow of information between the nonprofit, private and public sectors.Multiyear funding will enable ASI to promote NGO activities by informing the media, state and regional authorities, businesses and other NGOs on the latest developments in the Russian nonprofit sector; launching a quarterly magazine; organizing public relations events and campaigns; increasing cooperation with Russian businesses; and developing an affiliate network by strengthening current members and recruiting new organizations.Currently, ASI has 650 media, 200 governmental, 100 business and 1,500 NGO subscribers. All information is available on its Web site.