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Improving Ethnic Relations in Romania

Ethnocultural Diversity Resource Center

  • Program Civil Society
  • Program Area Special Initiatives
  • Grant Amount $60,000
  • Grant Period April 1, 2005–March 31, 2007
  • Location Cluj-Napoca, Romania
  • Geographic Focus Romania

About this grant

The goal of the Ethnocultural Diversity Resource Center is to improve ethnic relations in Romania by encouraging community members of different ethnic backgrounds to work together to address local needs. The center organizes groups based on the ethnic structure of the community; provides training and consultation to the groups to identify and solve common issues; and awards small grants for projects.Multiyear funding will allow the center to pursue objectives that include working in six new communities to improve ethnic relations and encourage civic participation; supporting networking and learning among all local communities involved in the project; raising awareness of the local and national media and authorities about ethnic-related issues of minority groups; developing the capacity of ethnic minority non-governmental organizations to represent the interests of their constituencies; and promoting tolerance and respect for ethnic diversity through an optional course in the Romanian school curricula.Accomplishments during the past two years included providing training and small grants to 16 community groups in five Romanian countries; encouraging common activities and improving interethnic relations through small grants to 34 communities; and developing case studies on supported projects.