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Supporting the National Network of Statewide Afterschool Networks

Collaborative Communications Group

  • Program Education
  • Program Area Advancing Afterschool
  • Grant Amount $1,300,000
  • Grant Period September 1, 2011–August 31, 2013
  • Location Falls Church, VA, United States
  • Geographic Focus United States

About this grant

This grant will enable the Collaborative Communications Group to support the Statewide Afterschool Networks and the Afterschool Technical Assistance Collaborative. For the 38 statewide networks, the grantee will coordinate all network meetings and technical assistance, including large network conferences, regular audio conference calls, the network Web site and listserv, and technical assistance. The grantee will also coordinate the Afterschool Technical Assistance Collaborative, which now includes eight national organizations. This project will include new strategies to increase efficiency and effectiveness, such as incorporating new technology and the distribution of new afterschool publications to inform national and state afterschool policy.