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General Purposes

Center for Effective Philanthropy

  • Program Civil Society
  • Program Area Strengthening Civic Space
  • Grant Amount $50,000
  • Grant Period January 1, 2015–December 31, 2016
  • Location Cambridge, MA, United States
  • Geographic Focus United States

About this grant

This grant will provide general purpose support to the Center for Effective Philanthropy. Established in 2000, the grantee is a nonprofit organization focused on helping philanthropic funders better define, assess, and improve their effectiveness and intended impact. The grantee’s research, assessment tools, programming, and communications provide data and insight that encourage improvement. Upcoming initiatives over the next two years include: several new research publications on foundation topics such as operational benchmarking, understanding of their ultimate beneficiaries, and further analysis of transparency; improving the grantee’s core assessment tools as well as the development of new advisory service offerings; greater visibility through a redesigned Web site and blog, op-eds, and increased focus on programming and Webinars; and executing beneficiary surveys via the center’s YouthTruth Project to provide the perspective of students to their schools, districts/networks, and funders.