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Local Government Transformation Project


  • Program Civil Society
  • Program Area Special Initiatives
  • Grant Amount $80,000
  • Grant Period April 1, 2005–December 31, 2006
  • Location East London, South Africa
  • Geographic Focus Eastern Cape, Province of

About this grant

The Local Government Transformation Project, developed by Afesis-corplan, works to ensure that local municipalities in the Eastern Cape adopt and are held accountable for democratic and effective local government practices. During the past few years, Afesis-corplan has developed a good governance survey template to provide feedback to municipalities on how ward committees rate their performance, particularly in relation to meeting development goals and encouraging community participation in decisionmaking.Multiyear funding will enable Afesis-corplan to focus on completing the good governance survey project; developing key performance indicators for wards to make sure that municipalities are held accountable to development targets; monitoring Municipal Democracy in Action; and exploring the creation of tool kits to promote good local governance.Recent accomplishments included preparing good governance information packs for nonprofits undergoing training in the survey methodology; briefing focus groups on the survey results; producing two editions of the Local Government Transformer, Afesis-corplan’s official publication; and using ward-level key performance indicators as a model for civil society input into municipal performance reviews.