- Program Civil Society
- Program Area Special Initiatives
- Grant Amount $100,000
- Grant Period January 1, 2005–December 31, 2006
- Location St. Petersburg, Russia
- Geographic Focus Russia, Russia
About this grant
Citizens’ Watch – founded in 1992 by a group of human rights activists, lawyers, journalists, members of the Russian parliament, and Saint Petersburg city council members – works to prevent violations of constitutional rights by governmental agencies. Its mission is to strengthen institutions and mechanisms in Russia to ensure that people’s rights are respected, and that laws and policies to protect these rights are made known and implemented.Multiyear funding will enable Citizens’ Watch to focus on programs that include access to justice; police service and education reform; juvenile justice; reduction of racism and ethnic intolerance; the rights of crime victims; and access to information.During the past two years, activities included encouraging transparency in judicial proceedings and access to justice; assisting in police reform and modernization of police education and training; developing juvenile justice policies; working to eliminate racism and related intolerance; protecting the rights of crime victims; and defending citizens’ rights to information.