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General Purposes

Foundation for Human Rights

  • Program Civil Society
  • Program Area Increasing Access to Justice
  • Grant Amount $150,000
  • Grant Period October 1, 2011–September 30, 2013
  • Location Johannesburg, South Africa
  • Geographic Focus South Africa

About this grant

The Foundation for Human Rights was established with support from the European Union to implement a human rights funding program in South Africa. It is now one of the most significant indigenous grantmakers in the country supporting the development and strengthening of a culture of human rights in South Africa. It still receives the bulk of its funding from the European Union, but is increasingly looking to local funders to secure its long-term sustainability. Mott has supported the grantee to strengthen its internal capacity, refine its plans, and establish a civil society resource center with the materials it has gathered over the years. This grant will continue to provide general purpose support to the grantee to strengthen its internal systems and promote the work of the human rights sector. Additionally, the grantee will support community advice offices by promoting networking and collaboration among key stakeholders.