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Connecticut Statewide Afterschool Network

Connecticut Network for Children and Youth, Inc.

  • Program Education
  • Program Area Advancing Afterschool
  • Grant Amount $225,000
  • Grant Period October 1, 2012–September 30, 2015
  • Location Hartford, CT, United States
  • Geographic Focus Connecticut

About this grant

This grant will provide continued support to the Connecticut After School Network to advance afterschool in Connecticut. In addition to supporting the core work of the network, this grant will include the design and implementation of a public awareness campaign to advance afterschool and expanded learning opportunities across the state. Specifically, the network will complete a multiyear project to: 1) develop new communications tools including a series of policy briefs; and 2) increase the level of stakeholder engagement among parents, educators, business leaders, funders, and policymakers.