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10th Anniversary Commemoration

Khulumani Support Group

  • Program Civil Society
  • Program Area Special Initiatives
  • Grant Amount $70,000
  • Grant Period May 1, 2004–December 31, 2006
  • Location Johannesburg, South Africa
  • Geographic Focus South Africa

About this grant

The Khulumani Support Group, formed at the same time as South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission, was established to ensure that victims of human rights abuses and their families were effectively represented in the truth commission process. This grant will support a project to examine what the past decade of democracy has meant for these victims and whether their lives have improved.Funding will enable Khulumani to compile detailed accounts of what has happened to victims of human rights violations during the past 10 years; gain a better understanding of how victims have fared in material terms during the transition from an apartheid regime to a democratic government; gain better insight into the role trauma still plays in the lives of victims; and advocate for the development of a comprehensive reparations plan through the Department of Justice.The Khulumani Support Group was founded in 1995 to bring together families and survivors of human rights abuses during the apartheid era in South Africa. The organization reaches out to families and communities in need, and offers psychological assistance, educational workshops and education, and healing through drama.