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Grantee Perception Survey Study

Center for Effective Philanthropy

  • Program Civil Society
  • Program Area Strengthening Civic Space
  • Grant Amount $35,700
  • Grant Period March 1, 2004–February 28, 2005
  • Location Cambridge, MA, United States
  • Geographic Focus United States

About this grant

The foundation community has come under intense scrutiny during the past year, resulting in an increased demand for public accountability. The Center for Effective Philanthropy has been urging the foundation community to focus on foundation relationships with grantees. Its Grantee Perception Survey promotes self-examination, greater accountability and increased effectiveness.Funding will enable the center to survey 600 of Mott’s grantees that received grants in 2003. In addition to a report targeted for Mott, the survey will assist the center in its collection of broad comparative data and the publication of research papers on grantee-foundation interactions.The center, established in 2000, works to advance the practice of philanthropy by providing management and governance tools needed to define, assess and improve overall foundation performance.