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Supporting New Day for Learning Evaluation and Research

Harvard University

  • Program Education
  • Program Area Advancing Afterschool
  • Grant Amount $500,000
  • Grant Period December 1, 2008–January 31, 2011
  • Location Cambridge, MA, United States
  • Geographic Focus United States

About this grant

This grant will provide continued support to the Harvard Family Research Project at Harvard University in its efforts to build and support connections in afterschool research, practices, and policies. The Harvard Family Research Project will: 1) continue to maintain the only national database of afterschool research studies and evaluations and expand it to include efforts to promote “A New Day for Learning”; 2) use publications and research briefs to inform afterschool stakeholders of the latest research and evaluation information; 3) explore new ways to engage policymakers and practitioners using social media platforms; 4) expand technical assistance through the use of Web-based tutorials aimed at improving professional development; 5) continue participation in the ongoing national dialogue about afterschool in order to identify key issues and strengthen the conversation between researchers, policymakers, and practitioners; and 6) convene a virtual community of evaluators to discuss how to evaluate the complex efforts to integrate school, afterschool, summer, and community services and share lessons learned.