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Gubernatorial Leadership to Transform the Learning Day and Year

National Governors Association Center for Best Practices

  • Program Education
  • Program Area Advancing Afterschool
  • Grant Amount $350,000
  • Grant Period December 1, 2008–December 31, 2013
  • Location Washington, DC, United States
  • Geographic Focus United States

About this grant

This grant will continue support to the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices in its efforts to help governors and their key education advisors support student success by transforming the learning day and year. The grantee will: 1) continue the Supporting Student Success initiative; 2) convene two expert roundtables on time and learning; 3) publish two issue briefs based on information and ideas from the roundtables; 4) sponsor two knowledge-building opportunities for governors’ offices; 5) provide targeted technical assistance to governors’ offices; 6) establish a time and learning Web site; and 7) continue as an Afterschool Technical Assistance Collaborative for the statewide afterschool networks. The center will also work with the Council of Chief State School Officers and the National Conference of State Legislatures to commission a report detailing policy changes and lessons learned from the first round of Supporting Student Success initiative states.