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Capacity Building: Building the Donor Base

Asian American Justice Center

  • Program Civil Society
  • Program Area Special Initiatives
  • Grant Amount $100,000
  • Grant Period June 1, 2006–May 31, 2007
  • Location Washington, DC, United States
  • Geographic Focus United States

About this grant

The Asian American Justice Center has emerged as a key leader, not only within the Asian Pacific American community, but also in the broader civil rights and social justice community. To become truly self-sustaining, however, it is imperative that the center strengthen its efforts to develop donors.This grant will enable the center to further develop a major donor initiative and a direct mail campaign in order to increase support for its work. Specific activities will include developing a comprehensive fundraising strategy; formally engaging the members of its National Advisory Council (NAC) to lend expertise and assistance to fundraising activities and campaigns and to use fundraising experience as an additional filter in the selection of new NAC members; marketing and promoting the major donor program, the President’s Circle, whose members have given a minimum of $1,000; launching a challenge grant program as a tool for encouraging individual contributions; and creating a Law Partners Advisory Council to increase both in-kind and cash contributions from attorneys and law firms.