Georgia Statewide Afterschool Network
United Way of Greater Atlanta
- Program Education
- Program Area Advancing Afterschool
- Grant Amount $225,000
- Grant Period October 1, 2010–September 30, 2013
- Location Atlanta, GA, United States
- Geographic Focus Georgia
About this grant
This grant will continue to support the United Way of Metropolitan Atlanta in the advancement of the Georgia Statewide Afterschool Network. This grantee is part of the third cohort of Mott-funded, statewide afterschool networks. In addition to continuing its core work building the field of afterschool, the Georgia Statewide Afterschool Network will continue efforts toward acquiring state-level support for policy and system changes while implementing a new strategy that focuses on best practices and the passage of afterschool policies at the local level. The network will position itself as a provider of high quality professional development and a broker of high quality technical assistance to contribute to the development of strong standards associated with afterschool programming including professional development standards. The local policy support strategy is designed to gain the support of policymakers who will become advocates for afterschool programming. Lessons learned and products will be shared with the national network of statewide afterschool networks.