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Examining the Drivers of Sprawl in Michigan

Good Jobs First

  • Program Education
  • Program Area Building Organized Communities
  • Grant Amount $115,000
  • Grant Period November 1, 2004–December 31, 2006
  • Location Washington, DC, United States
  • Geographic Focus Michigan

About this grant

Through this grant, Good Jobs First will analyze the effects of sprawl and inefficient land use on Michigan’s economic development incentive programs. Despite being one of the most aggressive states in the use of such programs, Michigan faces many economic development challenges including high infrastructure costs caused, in part, to poor land use. The goal of the project is to determine whether modifications in the use of these programs could result in better land use as well as provide benefits to employers, workers and communities.Multiyear funding will support activities that include recruiting a broad range of advisers; conducting research, mapping and analysis; sharing results with interested stakeholders for recommendations; and disseminating the findings.Good Jobs First, based in Washington, D.C., works with a broad spectrum of organizations to enhance their knowledge base and effectiveness in designing, implementing and monitoring economic development policies and programs.