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Partnerships for Change

Land Information Access Association

  • Program Environment
  • Program Area Special Initiatives
  • Grant Amount $153,500
  • Grant Period January 1, 2008–December 31, 2011
  • Location Traverse City, MI, United States
  • Geographic Focus Michigan

About this grant

Through the Partnerships for Change project, the Land Information Access Association has demonstrated successful approaches for designing and enacting effective intergovernmental land-use planning and management policies and programs. This collaborative project, which includes the Michigan Municipal League, Michigan Townships Association, Michigan Association of Planning, and Michigan State University Extension, has provided in-depth technical assistance to local governments to foster new intergovernmental policy and program improvements. During the next three years, the grantee will build on this success in generating replicable and well-documented models of interjurisdictional land-use planning and management. By utilizing the project infrastructure already established, it is expected that this project will expand support among local officials, foster the adoption of additional cooperative approaches, and build momentum for statewide improvements in land-use planning.