- Program Civil Society
- Program Area Special Initiatives
- Grant Amount $20,000
- Grant Period January 1, 2009–December 31, 2009
- Location Berlin, Germany
- Geographic Focus Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Turkey
About this grant
The project goal is to strengthen the leadership capacities of young people from Southeast Europe by supporting an action-oriented network of young professionals. The Transfuse Association supports cooperation and dialogue among its members through an annual conference and general assembly, a Web site and online members’ directory, a leadership development program, and ad hoc activities facilitated by a small program staff based in Berlin, Germany. In 2009, the association will hold the tenth annual conference of the network entitled "Europe and the World in 2020," in Istanbul, Turkey. In 2007, the association organized its annual conference in Berlin, focusing on issues of state building in the Western Balkans. By the end of 2008, the association completed two of its yearlong leadership development programs and launched the third for 29 young people from ten Southeast European countries as well as Austria, Germany, Ireland, Italy, and the United States. The Transfuse Association currently has 86 members that are primarily from the Western Balkans, Bulgaria, Greece, Moldova, Romania, and Turkey.