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Community School Development in Moldova

Step by Step Moldova

  • Program Civil Society
  • Program Area Special Initiatives
  • Grant Amount $150,000
  • Grant Period April 1, 2012–March 31, 2014
  • Location Chisinau, Moldova
  • Geographic Focus Moldova

About this grant

The program goal is to further extend the model of community schools in Moldova. Project activities will focus on developing the nationwide community school network by developing the capacity of schools to improve community-based learning and catalyze local development initiatives. Step by Step Moldova will focus on strengthening eight regional clusters in order to better target training needs and facilitate peer learning and exchange. It will conduct a detailed mapping of community school needs and capacities in order to apply resources most effectively. In 2010-2012, the grantee increased the number of community schools from 60 to almost 150, developed a team of nearly 50 mentors and trainers to work with schools and communities on their partnership activities, and successfully moved to have key elements of community school practice incorporated into teacher training curricula. Step by Step Moldova has promoted democratic change in Moldova’s education system since 1994.