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Budgeting for National Priorities

Brookings Institution

  • Program Education
  • Program Area Special Initiatives
  • Grant Amount $200,000
  • Grant Period July 1, 2005–June 30, 2007
  • Location Washington, DC, United States
  • Geographic Focus United States

About this grant

The Budgeting for National Priorities project was developed by the Brookings Institution to conduct research, policy analysis and outreach activities aimed at defining the magnitude of the federal deficit problem and producing practical solutions for restoring fiscal discipline.Multiyear funding will support research, policy analysis and outreach activities to define the scope of the federal budget deficit and produce practical policy solutions to bring the national budget back into balance. Specific activities will include developing a strategic public information campaign; collaborating with other groups; engaging state and local officials in debates; and educating members of Congress and the administration about the issue.Brookings Institution, established in 1927, is an independent, nonpartisan organization dedicated to research, analysis, education and publication focused on policy issues.