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A New Day for Learning Social Marketing Campaign

GMMB, Inc.

  • Program Education
  • Program Area Advancing Afterschool
  • Grant Amount $745,000
  • Grant Period May 1, 2009–December 31, 2009
  • Location Washington, DC, United States
  • Geographic Focus United States

About this grant

This grant will continue to support GMMB, Inc., in the implementation of a social marketing plan that will build broad-based support for the vision outlined in the 2007 Mott-funded report, "A New Day for Learning". This grant will allow the grantee to carry out public awareness and communication activities as part of a multiyear effort to create a culture of communitywide responsibility for providing students with meaningful ways to become successful learners and citizens. Specifically, this project will build on the lessons learned from afterschool to engage policymakers, educators, and community organizations in developing a comprehensive learning system that provides students with multiple ways of learning throughout the day and year-round, anchored to high standards and aligned to educational resources. GMMB will accomplish this through customized traditional and digital media, leveraging partnerships, and using various forms of advertising to target a wide-ranging audience.