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Oregon Statewide Afterschool Network

Oregon Association for the Education of Young Children

  • Program Education
  • Program Area Advancing Afterschool
  • Grant Amount $225,000
  • Grant Period October 1, 2011–September 30, 2014
  • Location Gladstone, OR, United States
  • Geographic Focus Oregon

About this grant

This grant will support the Oregon Association for the Education of Young Children to coordinate the Oregon Statewide Afterschool Network. In addition to continuing the network’s core work to advance afterschool programs in Oregon, it will develop and implement a comprehensive strategy to better incorporate the needs of parents into afterschool policy and programming. In addition, the network will conduct a needs assessment of the afterschool workforce. This work will also inform a new state expanded learning opportunities task force expected to be established in 2012. The network seeks to help afterschool providers and policymakers better utilize data to drive decisionmaking and to build the case for afterschool. To ensure that new models and best practices are incorporated nationally, the network will share lessons learned and products with the other statewide afterschool networks.