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General Purposes

Nonprofit Quarterly

  • Program Civil Society
  • Program Area Strengthening Civic Space
  • Grant Amount $150,000
  • Grant Period January 1, 2010–December 31, 2011
  • Location Boston, MA, United States
  • Geographic Focus United States

About this grant

Nonprofit Quarterly is a premier source of information, research, and critical analysis on the nonprofit sector. In 2008, “Nonprofit Quarterly” transitioned from being solely a quarterly print journal with a fairly static Web site to a journal available both in print and in an online flash format with an interactive Web site offering free daily annotated newswires, weekly newsletters and advice columns, and periodic trend alerts. At present, “Nonprofit Quarterly” has an online audience of almost 30,000 readers, and its print journal is sent to another 5,500 subscribers. A grant increase will contribute to the grantee’s capital campaign to support its new business plan. The plan will move the organization to a new publishing model that will greatly increase the number of readers, convert them into donors and sponsors, and more fully engage them through a collaborative journalism approach.