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Genesee County Prosperity Campaign

American Institute for Social Justice

  • Program Flint Area
  • Program Area Meeting Evolving Community Needs
  • Grant Amount $50,000
  • Grant Period January 1, 2006–December 31, 2006
  • Location Washington, DC, United States
  • Geographic Focus Flint

About this grant

This grant will enable the American Institute for Social Justice to support efforts to launch the Genesee County Prosperity Campaign. The Flint branch of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) will work with low-income families throughout Genesee County, with an emphasis on the areas in the city of Flint with the highest concentration of families living below the poverty level. The campaign will seek to bring millions of federal dollars to the community by helping low-income citizens maximize the benefits for which they are eligible. Through door-to-door organizing and technical assistance, low-income residents will receive help in securing Earned Income Tax Credits, food assistance and other benefits for which they qualify.The American Institute for Social Justice provides leadership and staff training, technical assistance, research and campaign support to community organizing groups with an emphasis on groups affiliated with ACORN, one of the nation’s largest community organizing networks.