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General Purposes

Civil Society Promotion Center

  • Program Civil Society
  • Program Area Strengthening Civic Space
  • Grant Amount $70,000
  • Grant Period January 1, 2014–December 31, 2015
  • Location Sarajevo, Bosnia And Herzegovina
  • Geographic Focus Bosnia and Herzegovina

About this grant

The program goals are to involve more people in Bosnia and Herzegovina in decisionmaking processes and to support the development of the nonprofit sector as an effective vehicle for civic participation. The Civil Society Promotion Center will work toward these goals by playing an active leadership role in the nonprofit sector and carrying out a range of activities at the national and local levels. These activities include: 1) facilitating nonprofit sector networking; 2) supporting civic engagement taking place outside traditional nonprofit structures; 3) advocating for an improved legal and fiscal environment for nonprofits and increased cross-sector cooperation; 4) improving the accountability and transparency of the nonprofit sector; and 5) providing capacity-building tools and resources to nonprofits and civic groups. During the past two years, the grantee has provided small grants for community-level civic initiatives, introduced a system of quality assessment for nonprofits, strengthened cross-sector partnerships, provided information and technical assistance via its Website, and promoted corporate social responsibility. The grantee is based in Sarajevo.