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General Purposes

Association of Community Foundations in Bulgaria

  • Program Civil Society
  • Program Area Enhancing Community Philanthropy
  • Grant Amount $80,000
  • Grant Period July 1, 2008–June 30, 2010
  • Location Stara Zagora, Bulgaria
  • Geographic Focus Bulgaria

About this grant

The program goal is to support community philanthropy and community foundation development in Bulgaria. During the grant period, the Association of Community Foundations in Bulgaria will improve the quality of its services to members and nonmembers, raise awareness of the general public and relevant institutions about the community foundation concept, and increase the level of resources available to community foundations by building partnerships with key donors. The association was established in 2005 to facilitate exchange of information and experience among its members, strengthen members’ organizational capacity, and represent Bulgarian community foundations at national and international levels. The association currently includes ten existing community foundations, and it is open to emerging community foundations in Bulgaria. The association’s past achievements include strengthening its members’ organizational capacity, developing national standards for community foundations, and increasing the visibility of Bulgarian community foundations.