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Advanced Technology and Renewable Energy Research Building

Kettering University

  • Program Flint Area
  • Program Area Restoring Community Vitality
  • Grant Amount $541,966
  • Grant Period July 1, 2006–March 31, 2010
  • Location Flint, MI, United States
  • Geographic Focus Flint

About this grant

Kettering University’s Center for Fuel Cell Systems and Powertrain Integration recently launched the Fuel Cells and Advanced Technologies Commercialization Incubator to help emerging businesses seeking to commercialize high-tech products and services.This grant will match funds from the U.S. Department of Commerce and the Michigan Economic Development Corporation to construct a new 21,000 square-foot building providing research and manufacturing space for new and emerging alternative energy and advanced technology business start-ups. The new building will provide high-end laboratory, business incubation, and business commercialization space required to support the expanding needs of the center.