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Boston Youth Transitions Taskforce: Supporting City Partnerships to Address the Dropout Crisis

Boston Private Industry Council

  • Program Education
  • Program Area Success Beyond High School
  • Grant Amount $250,000
  • Grant Period May 1, 2007–April 30, 2009
  • Location Boston, MA, United States
  • Geographic Focus Boston

About this grant

This grant will enable the Boston Private Industry Council to continue to convene and support a citywide partnership aimed at addressing and raising the visibility of the dropout crisis. Over the past few years, the grantee has worked to improve the educational options and outcomes for out-of-school and underserved youth through Boston’s participation in the Coalition of Community Foundations for Youth’s Addressing the Dropout Crisis in Our Cities project. Building on the work completed in this earlier project, the grantee will lead and convene the Boston Youth Transitions Taskforce in its implementation of strategies and action plans to strengthen districtwide efforts that improve outcomes for dropouts.