Improved Financing to Support A New Day for Learning
Cross & Joftus, LLC
- Program Education
- Program Area Advancing Afterschool
- Grant Amount $50,000
- Grant Period February 1, 2009–January 31, 2010
- Location Bethesda, MD, United States
- Geographic Focus United States
About this grant
This renewal grant will continue support to Cross & Joftus, LLC in its efforts to inform policymakers, education reform advocates, and program leaders seeking to implement reforms that focus on restructuring time and learning. The work is connected to the Mott-funded report, "A New Day for Learning" and will provide written resources and technical assistance to support the financing of these efforts. Deliverables will include: 1) providing technical assistance to the New Day for Learning sites on financing issues that include providing support on budgeting and reforms to school finance formulas; and 2) exploring ways to reform federal education spending that allow for better coordinating of resources across programs and agencies. Written products and other learning from this work will be shared broadly with the field through electronic media and strategic partnerships with national organizations working to support similar efforts.