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Holding Amazon Megaprojects to Account

Friends of the Earth - Brazilian Amazonia

  • Program Environment
  • Program Area Transforming Development Finance
  • Grant Amount $35,000
  • Grant Period February 1, 2011–January 31, 2013
  • Location São Paulo, Brazil
  • Geographic Focus South America

About this grant

For the past decade, South America has experienced a massive development wave, accompanied by considerable investments in regional transport and energy infrastructure that has begun to traverse sensitive Amazonian ecosystems. Friends of the Earth – Brazilian Amazonia is working to ensure there is improvement in the public review and project finance requirements for these projects, as well as requiring a more robust environmental and social impact assessment and the application of environmental and social safeguard policies. This grant increase will support additional research and outreach on transparency standards and information policies at the Brazilian Development Bank, which is currently the largest public funder of energy and infrastructure projects in South America.