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Mobilizing Local Communities to Prevent Domestic Violence

National Center for Prevention of Violence "ANNA"

  • Program Civil Society
  • Program Area Special Initiatives
  • Grant Amount $150,000
  • Grant Period September 1, 2010–August 31, 2012
  • Location Moscow, Russia
  • Geographic Focus Russia

About this grant

The program goal is to engage citizens and civil society organizations in grassroots responses to violence against women and girls in the Southern Federal District of Russia. To this end, the National Center for Prevention of Violence "ANNA" and its local partners will work to increase public awareness about gender-based violence and to create an atmosphere of intolerance toward such violence within local communities. Community mobilization teams will be trained in outreach skills, cross-cultural awareness, and social marketing techniques aimed at engaging a broad cross-section of their communities in activities to prevent rights abuses. In 2008-2010, the grantee undertook detailed research into public awareness of gender-based rights abuse, strengthened capacity of three local partner organizations to address these issues, and secured cooperation and engagement of a range of government officials and community leaders to support efforts to prevent gender-based violence. Established in 1995, the National Center for Prevention of Violence "ANNA" provides social, economic, and legal assistance to women and children in crisis.