Nevada Statewide Afterschool Network
Community Chest, Inc.
- Program Education
- Program Area Advancing Afterschool
- Grant Amount $225,000
- Grant Period October 1, 2008–September 30, 2011
- Location Virginia City, NV, United States
- Geographic Focus Nevada
About this grant
This grant will support Community Chest, Inc., in its efforts to develop the Nevada Statewide Afterschool Network. The grantee and the Nevada Statewide Afterschool Network seek to create a sustainable structure that is focused on advocacy and policies that ensure out-of-school-time opportunities for all of Nevada’s school-aged youth, support the development and growth of the structure through networking, and support statewide systems to ensure that programs are of high quality. The Nevada Statewide Afterschool Network will systematically organize, mobilize, and communicate with out-of-school-time stakeholders to advocate for increased funding and support for afterschool programs at the local, state, and national levels. This grantee is the seventh cohort of Mott-funded statewide afterschool networks.