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Support to Provincial Advice Office Forums

National Alliance for the Development of Community Advice Offices

  • Program Civil Society
  • Program Area Increasing Access to Justice
  • Grant Amount $200,000
  • Grant Period April 1, 2012–March 31, 2014
  • Location Johannesburg, South Africa
  • Geographic Focus South Africa

About this grant

The National Alliance for the Development of Community Advice Offices was initiated in 2005 to strengthen and sustain the community advice office sector in South Africa. Advice offices provide free legal advice and related services to poor people to enable them to realize their socioeconomic and human rights. The aim of this project is to strengthen the voice of advice offices through collaboration and joint campaigns. Past support enabled the grantee to assist with the establishment of nine provincial forums, seven of which received technical and financial support to build cohesion among advice offices. This grant renewal will support the grantee to continue to provide technical and financial support to ensure that provincial forums assist advice offices to advance their causes. It will also assist the Mpumalanga and Northern Cape provincial forums to consolidate their leadership structures.