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Alabama Water Management Project

Alabama Rivers Alliance

  • Program Environment
  • Program Area Addressing the Freshwater Challenge
  • Grant Amount $100,000
  • Grant Period June 1, 2013–May 31, 2015
  • Location Birmingham, AL, United States
  • Geographic Focus Alabama

About this grant

With more than 77,000 miles of rivers and streams, Alabama ranks sixth in the nation for the most continually flowing waterways and is a global hot spot of freshwater biodiversity. Despite the importance of the state’s water resources, Alabama lacks statewide water management policies that adequately address water withdrawals, diversions, and similar concerns. The Alabama Rivers Alliance, a statewide network of river groups and enthusiasts, will continue to lead a collaborative effort to build support for comprehensive water management policy reform. The grantee will also participate in related activities, such as the relicensing of hydropower dams and efforts to resolve interstate water use conflicts.