Youth Empowerment Partnership Programme
International Academy Berlin for Innovative Pedagogy, Psychology and Economy gGmbH
- Program Civil Society
- Program Area Special Initiatives
- Grant Amount $150,000
- Grant Period January 1, 2016–December 31, 2016
- Location Berlin, Germany
- Geographic Focus Europe
About this grant
The project goal is to bring about sustainable change in local communities across Europe through innovative approaches to youth empowerment and community development. The International Academy for Innovative Pedagogy, Psychology and Economy gGmbH provides technical assistance, organizes networking opportunities, and coordinates joint initiatives for the Youth Empowerment Partnership Programme, a Europe-wide network of community-based youth projects. The network was established in 2001 through the collaboration of several European and United States foundations, the grantee, and the Network of European Foundations. Since 2012, the grantee has acted as the secretariat and resource center for the network. During 2014-2015, the grantee provided direct technical assistance to local program sites, trained young people and community stakeholders on a range of topics; organized international networking opportunities for young people and practitioners in community-based youth work; and expanded the number of local program sites in the network from 18 to 22 across 7 European countries. The grantee organized a total of 32 days of capacity building workshops and trainings for more than 300 young people on topics such as advocacy, entrepreneurship, and media. Funding for the grantee’s work and for the local program sites was diversified, including by the grantee securing multiple project grants from the European Commission. The grantee is based in Berlin, Germany.