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Strengthening Capacity and Outreach

FOL Movement

  • Program Civil Society
  • Program Area Strengthening Civic Space
  • Grant Amount $60,000
  • Grant Period July 1, 2015–June 30, 2017
  • Location Prishtina, Kosovo
  • Geographic Focus Kosovo

About this grant

The project goal is to increase civic engagement in holding local government institutions accountable in Kosovo. To this end, FOL Movement will strengthen its capacity to organize and mobilize participation in decisionmaking processes, particularly at the municipal level. During the grant period, the grantee will further develop and expand specific mechanisms for monitoring local government and stimulating public participation in decisionmaking. The grantee will also conduct an independent evaluation of its work and launch a new strategic planning process. During 2013-2015, the grantee monitored and reported on public procurement practices in three municipalities and shared the results widely in Kosovo. The grantee also researched the lack of government investment in certain key sectors in five municipalities. The results were shared with citizens during a campaign in these municipalities called FOL’s Week, designed to inform citizens and engage them in dialogue with local government about priorities in their municipalities. Established as an independent, nonprofit organization in 2009, FOL Movement has successfully engaged citizens in direct actions to hold government officials accountable for their decisions, highlight corruption, and promote transparency. The organization is based in Prishtina.