- Program Civil Society
- Program Area Special Initiatives
- Grant Amount $150,000
- Grant Period July 1, 2011–June 30, 2014
- Location Sarajevo, Bosnia And Herzegovina
- Geographic Focus Bosnia and Herzegovina
About this grant
The project goal is to support the establishment of a new performing arts center in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina. The center will be designed to embody the multiethnic promise of Sarajevo and the country and help restore dignity to a society that once prided itself on being a meeting point of East and West. During the grant period, East West Centre Sarajevo, an independent, nonprofit theater company in Sarajevo, will complete all legal procedures connected with obtaining the building site and ownership and operation of the future performing arts center, contract to undertake preparation of the site for construction, and create and implement a fundraising strategy for the construction of the center. An international, high-level advisory committee will also be established to guide the development of the project. East West Centre Sarajevo was established in November 2005 and has produced many widely acclaimed theater pieces that have toured Bosnia-Herzegovina and internationally.